Raheem Buksh Medical Centre and Hospital (RBMC)

From its humble beginning in 2010, Rahim Buksh Medical Center has been making a positive impact on people, and tirelessly working for social welfare of the community. They strive to ensure the highest quality, most exemplary healthcare services to patients in need. Setting an example of philanthropy, its state-of-the-art PMDC verified hospital offers free medical treatment to the underprivileged. Their experienced professionals are compassionate to improve the quality of living, and focus on building healthy and resilient communities for all. Currently, their medical centers are located in Adda Mal, Adda plot Lahore and the city of Bhurban.

Rahim Baksh Clinical Lab (RBCL)

RBCL is a project of Raheem Baksh Medical Center & Hospital (RBM&H). Since 2010, they are committed to deliver quality diagnostic services to patients focusing primarily on pathology services. Providing reliable, timely, affordable and accessible diagnostic services to their patients is at the core of their operations. Their state-of-the-art equipment, cutting-edge technology, and qualified team of specialists is the driving force behind their success.